If your pet is constantly scratching and licking, allergies could be the culprit. Like humans, pets often suffer from allergies that cause discomfort and affect their quality of life. Allergies in pets can manifest in various forms, and determining the cause is the first step toward providing relief for your furry friend. Our team at The Old 41 Animal Hospital answers common questions about pets and allergies.
What are allergies in pets?
Allergies result when the body’s immune system reacts abnormally to substances that typically do not harm most people or animals. Pets can suffer from the same allergies as people, including other pets and their dander, and are often allergic to multiple allergens. Some reasons for your pet’s itching include:
- Environmental allergies — Atopic dermatitis is caused by an allergic reaction to a substance in your pet’s environment. These allergens are often airborne and inhaled, which can lead to whole-body itching, but any substance that your pet contacts can cause their immune system to kick into overdrive and mount a hyperactive response. Frequent culprits of environmental allergies in pets include pollens, molds, dust, grasses, shrubs, and dander. Affected pets also can develop chronic ear and skin infections, anal gland issues, and hair loss.
- Flea allergies — Fleas are external parasites that live and reproduce on pets and in their homes, bedding, and environment. Flea bite allergies can cause intense itchiness after only one or two bites. Characteristic flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) leads to severe itching, hair loss, and scabby and scaly skin, usually on the back near the tail.
- Food allergies — True food allergies, which are relatively uncommon in pets, occur when the pet’s immune system adversely reacts to a food ingredient and develops antibodies against the perceived threat. This hypersensitivity causes inflamed and itchy skin, along with digestive signs, such as vomiting and diarrhea, loose stool, flatulence, and nausea. Unlike seasonal allergies, food allergies can persist year-long.
What are allergy signs in pets?
Sneezing and itchy eyes are common allergy signs in people and, while they are sometimes seen in allergic pets, cats and dogs typically display skin issues. The most common allergy signs in pets include:
- Red, irritated skin
- Scratching and chewing
- Hair loss
- Skin infections
- Chronic ear infections
- Anal gland issues
- Paw licking
- Face rubbing
An itchy pet is likely suffering from uncontrolled allergies, but other conditions, such as hypothyroidism, also can cause itching and hair loss. A veterinarian needs to perform a thorough physical exam and diagnostic testing to determine the true cause of your furry pal’s itching.
How are allergies diagnosed in pets?
Allergies typically develop during a pet’s early years and may worsen with age. Depending on the suspected allergy, the tests to determine a diagnosis and the specific trigger vary.
- Diagnosing environmental allergies — Environmental allergies can be diagnosed using two testing methods:
- Intradermal testing, which involves shaving your pet’s side and injecting small amounts of allergens under the skin
- Serum testing, which involves taking a small blood sample from your pet for allergy analysis to measure the allergy antibodies in their blood and pinpoint the allergens
- Diagnosing flea allergies — Flea allergies are often the easiest to diagnose, because you can see the live fleas, flea dirt, and the classic hind-end hair loss.
- Diagnosing food allergies — If a food allergy is expected, a feeding trial will likely be conducted that includes a completely new diet and, if the pet improves, adding ingredients back into the diet to determine the ingredient that triggers the immune response.
How are allergies treated in pets?
Unfortunately, an allergy cannot be cured, but numerous treatments can help soothe your pet’s responses. Treatment options involve suppressing the itch response and treating associated yeast and bacterial infections. Your pet may receive any combination of the following allergy therapies:
- Medications (e.g., Apoquel, Cytopoint), available in different formulations
- Immunotherapy
- Antibiotics
- Medicated shampoo
- Ear cleaners and medications
- Skin health supplements
- Prescription diet
Since your pet’s allergies may change over time, their treatment protocol will also need to change to ensure their ongoing comfort.
Allergies can be extremely unpleasant for pets, and our team at The Old 41 Animal Hospital is dedicated to keeping your pet comfortable. If you are concerned about allergies in your pet, contact us to schedule an appointment. We will stop that itch.
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